May 17, 2020

Bunny Bulletin!

Whats on my mind? Bunny Bulletin! 

After sitting smack in a formerly beautiful bunch of sedums (flattened by overnight chewing), a very fat rabbit starts to eat her way ’round the sedums edges before progressing to the flowering ground cover between the flagstones in our garden. 

I was once neighbors with an otherwise pleasant guy who shot the rabbits in his garden. This was in Arizona, so not completely unexpected, but still upsetting. 

Himself and I merely yell SHOOSH!, clap our hands, and apply stinky stuff to what we think of as our garden and rabbits think of as their exclusive buffet. 

Our tactics work reasonably well until a heavy rain. When that happens, were disinclined to run outside shouting and clapping, and the stinky stuff washes off. Right now, its raining cats, dogs, and rabbits.

©  Nicole Parton, 2020

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