February 21, 2019


What’s on my mind? The logo of the double Gs. So, gee ...

Im not out to get Gucci. With this little blog? How could I? More to the point, why would I? 

Gucci is a long-established, highly regarded name in the fashion industry. For those to whom “brands” are important, Gucci is one of the most recognizable and sought after. 

So this isn’t an attack on Gucci. But nor am I interested in promoting them or any other brand name. Gucci doesn’t need me to keep the money-tap flowing. Gucci isn’t doing anything its competitors aren’t. My observations apply to many Big Fashion names, with Gucci but one example.

Mostly, I’m curious. What I have are some questions. So ... Hello, Gucci!

Courtesy Vanity Fair magazines February, 2019 issue, heres one of your summer sandal designs for “hiking” - at $1250 US. Question: Where can anyone hike in these shoes? 

Always keen to stay in fashion, I’m penning this in my 25-year-old bathrobe (and yes, it’s late-morning, and no, it’s none of your beeswax). 

I found this Gucci dress in the same magazine. I’d look like a bumblebee in that dress, but yellow’s not my color. Question: How much? Can’t find the cost anywhere, but you know the old adage: If you have to ask the price, you can’t afford it.

And this, described as “cruise wear on your website. Question: Why? That woman looks like an idiot in this getup.

Curiosity drove me to the Internet, to search out more sandals of the Gucci persuasion. They didn’t persuade me. There were many: $1475 US ... $1050 US ... There were also many sneakers: $1050 US ... $1035 ... $1875 ... $1165 ... Question: How do your designers sleep at night? And why do so many of the models in your ads look wasted - like they don’t sleep at night, perhaps having to wear outfits like this.

In 2013, Gucci founded Chime for Change, a global campaign to raise funds and awareness for girls’ and women’s empowerment. I already feel empowered. I wouldn’t waste a dime on any of this stuff.

© Nicole Parton 2019

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